
Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Model

Well, progress on the layout continues. I've completed cutting off the remaining corners on the helix that still needed to go. I've also laid another course of helix.

Chris stopped by last week to check out the progress and help cut the track for the lift-out. We had a few minor issues, but it's working very well. I had originally installed some alignment pins (basically just small metal rods, originally shelf holders from an Ikea bookcase), but I found that they aren't necessary.
 There will be pictures by the end of the week of the progress.

The other day I also stopped by RR Model and Hobby supply to have Roger order some Microengineering turnouts for staging. I'll also get Frog Juicers ( to power the frogs. I'm hoping to have the staging level completed by the time Jessica gets back from vacation with her grandparents in two weeks.

Anyway, Roger has a binder of a New Haven model collection that he's just taken on consignment. Most of it I've got or it's older models not up to current standards. But he did have the Westerfield NH XM7 Single Sheathed Box Car, a model that I needed. So I'm working on this in the evenings that there's something both Laura and I watch on TV. Otherwise I'm down in the basement working on the layout. I'm hoping Chris will work on his at the same time, we both need to get moving on some of these kits. I'll be lettering it for MOW service, there's a picture of W-1316 in Rolling Stock of New England Volume 1: New Haven Railroad Work Equipment from 1951. It was converted to work service in March 1947, so it will work for all except my earliest sessions. Eventually I wouldn't mind getting another one to letter for interchange as about a dozen of the cars remained in service until 1951.
Update: Based on the Work Equipment assignments, I'm going to model this as in service instead. It doesn't appear these cars moved around a lot once they were converted. Instead, I have Westerfield 10513, the earlier double-sheathed version that I didn't think I could use. But there's a picture on page 98 of Trackside with Thomas J. McNamara that shos W-833 in New Britain in 1956. It looks very similar to this model. I'll have to add the metal strap across the end, remove the middle door guide, and I won't add the fishbelly side sill. I can't tell if it's a fishbelly center sill. Also, it appears to have been re-roofed with a metal roof. I'm not sure if I'll change that since it's a one-piece body.
Update to the update: And wouldn't you know it? The 5-15-56 Caboose & Work Equipment Assignment lists W-833 as stored in New Britain. How did I miss that one? Prior to that it was a rubbish car in Pawtucket (at least in 1951 and 1953), but it will be sitting in New Britain regardless.

More to come on that project too...

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