
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The track gang has been hard at work

Well, if two is a 'gang.'

Chris came by this afternoon to start laying track in staging. In the picture is half of the staging. The other half is a mirror image. The longest track is about 17 cars and, as we found out today, the passing siding is about 20 cars.
Basically all of the turnouts (Microengineering) are in place. Half of them are glued down, and they are all prepped (tinned) for feeders.
I'm not sure how much time I'll have to continue over the next week or two, but the next steps are to complete gluing the track in this half of the staging, then lay the remaining track for the other half of staging.
After that's all in place and glued, I'll just have to add the connecting track to the west helix (seen curving to the left in the picture), and determine the configuration of the wye to the east helix. That will complete the staging level.

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